活动预告 | 专家访谈:英埃塞克斯大学 陈丹
埃塞克斯大学的语言及语言学学院 (Department of Language and Linguistics) 一直以来在语言学届享有盛名,学院科研实力位居全英第3(REF2021); 语言学相关专业位居全英第11位、世界前150名 (QS 2022)。而在如此实力雄厚的学院内,中英口译相关专业更是出色。而作为院系王牌专业的高翻,更是专注于拓展知识领域、培养语言逻辑性以及国际重大会议必备的口译技巧和素养。
03主办方/Host翻译技术教育与研究公众号平台/TTES Official WeChat Platform
博硕星睿·翻译技术教育研究院/LingoTek ITTE
1. 小鹅通(直播、面向所有观众)
2. 腾讯Webinar
访谈嘉宾/Keynote Speaker:
Dan holds a Bachelor degree in Economics at Shanghai International Studies University, a Master degree in International Business Management, and a Master degree in Interpreting at Newcastle University. She is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists. She taught consecutive and simultaneous interpreting in Newcastle University for three years before taking the position of Programme Director in the Department of Language and Linguistics at Essex University.
For the past decades, Dan has been working as a simultaneous interpreter for numerous important events, including conferences and high-level forums during President Xi's visit to the UK in 2015. As a professional interpreter with keen interests in Science and Technology, she has proudly interpreted for many big names from scientific fields, such as Professor Sir lan Wilmut, the astronomer and cosmologist Professor Martin Rees, and Nobel Laureate and neuroscientist Professor John O'Keefe.
With the accumulated interpreting experiences from events of world-renowned companies such as Jaguar Land Rover, Mini Cooper, ABRSM, Tencent, Alibaba, Huawei, etc., she has gathered domain-specific experiences in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Fintech, Cultural Heritage, Medicine, Arts, Music, etc. This has enriched her classrooms with live and up-to-date materials and new teaching methods.
[ 向下滑动查看嘉宾简介 ]
王碧涵/Bihan Wang
Graduate student of the College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University (NKU), an enthusiast of translation. Translation is an interest, a major, a dream, and is the driving force for me to move forward!
[ 向下滑动查看嘉宾简介 ]
教师嘉宾/Roundtable Guest
闵晨希老师/Chenxi Min
She has been a passionate learner, instructor, and promoter of translation technology at Northwest University of Political Science and Law, a member of China Association of Forensic Linguistics and a prize winner of the First National Translation Technology Teaching Competition (2021).
As a certified member of CATTI talent pool and an active practitioner, she has served cross-border institutions and local authorities since 2012. She got her PhD in educational management from MUST with a special focus on ICT-facilitated teachers’ professional development and her MA in interpreting and translation from XISU and University of Essex.
[ 向下滑动查看嘉宾简介 ]
朱华/Hua Zhu
天津外国语大学高级翻译学院硕士生导师,天外英语翻译理论与实践、美国蒙特雷高级翻译学院翻译及本地化项目管理双硕士,美国翻译协会北加州分会会员。除教学外,还担任WITTA翻译技术教育研究会副秘书长、国际事务沟通专员,美国翻译公益联盟Translation Commons中国区沟通经理。曾兼任中国翻译协会暑期翻译技术师资培训、WITTA翻译技术研究会翻译技术师资培训、北京第二外国语学院、南开大学外国语学院《翻译技术》和《术语管理及影视字幕翻译》授课教师,并在广外、西外、中国民航、河北大学等多所高校及多个直播平台分享GILT*学习技巧。(*GILT:G11n/全球化、I18n/国际化、L10n/本地化、T9n/翻译)
Hua has great enthusiasm for language service industry. He is committed to envagelizing tech application & integration in GILT industry, improving the quality of Chinese to English translation and building a bridge between Chinese translators, native English revisors and the most cutting-edge technology.
He has been teaching translation and courses around GILT technology at Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU) in China since 2012, as well as similar courses at Nankai University & Beijing International Studies University as an adjunct lecturer.
Apart from teaching, he is also an active industry practitioner. Together, he has developed and served dozens ofworld-renowned brands, built a talent team of over 30 translators, interpreters and editors, and led the team to translate, interpret and localize contents from both home and abroad. He got his first M.A. in translation and interpretation from TFSU and the second M.A. in Translation, Localization and Management from Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS).
1. 学习社群
2. 交流圈
行业动向1. 中国翻译协会2023年会·翻译技术主题论坛即将开幕2. 行业动态|中国翻译协会第八届理事会第二次全体会议在京举行
3. 论坛预告|未来已来:翻译技术主题论坛4. 行业动态 | 第14届全国世界语大会在京闭幕
5. 行业资讯丨往年MTI调剂信息汇总参考
行业观察 | 王华树:国家翻译技术能力研究:概念内涵、要素分析和主要特征 行业观察 | 王立非:努力培育和扩大知识与技术密集型语言服务出口新动能 行业观察|AI时代,口译员如何突出重围? 行业观察 | 探索大语言模型,“对症下药”很关键
技术应用 | 如何利用ChatGPT搞科研? 技术应用|iTranslate:一款小众的翻译工具 技术应用 | WIPO Translate:一键Get即时专利翻译小能手 ChatGPT | ChatGPT的万能提问咒语 ChatGPT | 韩林涛:写给MTI同学们的ChatGPT类工具使用要求
4月工作坊|图书翻译与项目申报工作坊即将开课 五一研修 | ChatGPT时代翻译技术北京线下班 精品课程 | 外语人如何使用ChatGPT优化机器翻译质量 云端实习营,带你在实践中学习翻译技术~ 一天一块钱,承包全年全方位语言服务知识学习!
双语干货 |《全球发展新时代的金砖合作调查报告2022》 资源宝库 | 最全对外汉语教学资源网站 资源宝库 | 学位论文如何写出新意—PQDT搜索教程 资源宝库 | ChatGPT参加MTI复试问答:个人生活篇 语言趣谈 | 和ChatGPT谈机器翻译与翻译AI应用
招聘就业1. 招聘快报 | 世界经济论坛招募实习生
2. 招聘快报 | 韩语、葡语口译招募3. 就业干货 | 理工科也能做翻译吗?4. 不知道去哪找优质实习?硬核语言专业线上实习机会来了!5. 实习资讯 | 疫情阻隔优质实习?硬核语言专业线上实习机会来了!